

Jacqueline Cheers System

Jacqueline Cheers System is a sophisticated web-based salon management application developed to optimize salon operations. It features a comprehensive customer interface for user registration, profile management, appointment scheduling, and secure checkout. The admin dashboard allows efficient management of service appointments, product orders, and detailed reporting, ensuring streamlined and effective salon administration. This project demonstrates expertise in full-stack web development, user experience design, and secure transaction processing.

Jacqueline Cheers System


Pacific Northwest X-Ray (PNWX) E-commerce Web Application

Pacific Northwest X-Ray (PNWX) is a comprehensive web-based e-commerce platform designed to enhance user experience and streamline online shopping. Developed for a university course on Web-Based System Development with my team, the application offers a robust user interface for both customers and administrators. Key features include customer registration and login, detailed product catalogs, shopping cart functionality, and secure checkout with OTP validation while the admin dashboard provides extensive control over product information and analytical insights through visual charts and tables. This project showcases proficiency in web development, user experience design, and secure transaction processing.

Pacific Northwest X-Ray (PNWX) E-commerce Web Application


Health Diary Application

Health Diary Application is a comprehensive Java-based solution designed for tracking and managing health metrics. Developed as part of a university course on Java Programming, this application enables users to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI), record health data, and monitor their BMI history over time. The app provides a user-friendly interface for logging and retrieving health records, facilitating consistent health tracking and promoting wellness.

Health Diary Application